Monday, April 13, 2009


Why get a Mohawk you ask, well that is simple:
1) I've always wanted one.
2) You save money on shampoo.
3) To be more aerodynamic.
4) Because they are badass.

Who doesn't want to look like these guys.

I will be dunking with ease in no time and not to mention all of the punani I will be getting now.
Take a look for yourself.

Saturday, April 11, 2009



You first have to fail in order to succeed. Failure is not an option. I guess this means I am destined for mediocrity. I'm OK with that. Maybe that's my problem.

It's not nature vs nurture and it never have been. It's nature + nurture. We are products of our environment.

Some days my life is just too real to me.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Feeling inspired.

So spring break is around the corner and I always make big plans for my time off and nothing ever pans out, oh well. I will just sit around my house for a week and not shower. Pretty good vacation is you ask me. Spring break is nothing special anyways (MTV lied to me). The only reason I came to college was to some day take part in one of the giant spring break parties I always watched on TV when I was younger. Oh well.

Does this shorthand symbol '@' really save time or space as opposed to writing out 'at.' I think not and for that matter neither does 'w/' as opposed to 'with.'

The other day I was walking behind this guy who actually 'stopped to look at the flowers.' I liked his attitude.

The future is now and later.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Same Song

She's not there.

Is it too late to make a New Year's Resolution?
I resolve to fuck shit up this year.

The economy is down the drain (HOPEfully this man can help). Change is scary and in five months I will be in store for a lot of change. For now I can only dream that part of that change will include owning my very own car for the very first time in my life (She will be mine). Nothing interesting has really happened in my life lately which is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Maybe if I use my eyebrows more exciting things will happen to me.

I really want to buy one of these.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why am I such a pussy?

Open wide.

I enjoy the silence. I don't like confrontation. Most of the time I'm a quiet and reserved guy (especially around strangers). So the other day I was in line for the school shuttle and the line was longer than usual. There was a girl in front of me and then a group of three people (two guys and a girl) walk up and start to talk to her. They keep talking and I get the feeling that they are trying to cut in line (I should be a detective). I really want to say something but I just can't. Instead I just keep staring at them (which was pretty funny cause none of them would look at me). I don't know why but the fact that they cut really pissed me off and I hope they got what's coming to them.

Weekdays will be the death of me.

Important message.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rules are rules.

The NBA, where this happens.

I wish had a time machine. With this time machine, I would not go into the past because who knows what would happen. Instead, I would go into the future and make sure I lived a long and full life. I would also use it to cheat at sports gambling.

Got to hit the books and prepare for my future career in unemployment.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Take a trip.

I don't think I will ever climb Mount Everest or go into outer space or be famous (like these Jackasses ), but none of that really matters. I can only be myself. Who is that you ask? (even if you didn't ask I am gonna tell you). I think. I feel. I dream. I wish. I create. I dance (poorly). I try. I speak. I listen. I watch. I learn. I don't think I can be much more vague than that. Here is something that I have learned: Life is good. I can't complain about my life because I know there are a million people out there that have it a thousand times worse than I do. I personally know lots of people that have had hard lives and they don't bitch and moan about how their life sucks, because there are millions of other people that never even got the opportunity to have a shitty life.

In my short life I haven't seen or experienced that many things but I think I have my head on pretty straight and its pointed in the right direction. I can only live life and hope for the best. (Don't worry my next blog will be filled with even more cliches).

New Year. Same Dirty.